DessertMalia Howe

Strawberry Banana 'Ice Cream"

DessertMalia Howe
Strawberry Banana 'Ice Cream"

This was a fun little Sunday afternoon project for us--a perfect and easy kid cooking experience--with remarkably creamy results. A nice way to get a little extra fruit in with a dessert feel.

Strawberry Banana 'Ice Cream"

Strawberry Banana "Ice Cream" - adapted from

  • 4 bananas, sliced
  • 1 cup strawberries, sliced
  • 1 t. vanilla
  • 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream (I used half and half because that's what I had and we all survived)

Freeze bananas and strawberries on a single layer on a baking sheet or a couple of plates. Do this for at least 3 hrs (I think we made it 2). In a food processor, pulse strawberries and bananas until smooth, then add vanilla and cream and continue to process until smooth and well blended. Pour into a freezer safe container and freeze until hard (3 hrs or so).